Aloha mai kākou! Mahalo for taking time to check out this questionnaire. As you may know, the Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization (Maui MPO) is a local agency that partners with the State of Hawaiʻi and Maui County to comprehensively plan for federally funded or regionally significant transportation systems on Maui Island. The Maui MPO’s role and responsibility is only to plan for multimodal transportation systems, and not to fund, design, build, or operate them. Agencies like the Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation, and the Maui County departments of Public Works and Transportation are responsible for implementing transportation projects. Right now, the Maui MPO is in the process of updating its Public Participation Plan (PPP). When finished, the PPP will guide public engagement for all Maui MPO planning efforts. You can check out the current PPP by clicking here. We need your help to make sure we are reaching as many people as possible with our public engagement efforts in the coming years. Your responses to this questionnaire will inform us about your experience with Maui MPO engagement activities in the past and help us create a plan for the future that meets the needs of our community. It should take approximately five minutes to share your manaʻo. Mahalo for your time and please contact us at if you have any questions. 1. Are you familiar with the Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization (Maui MPO)? Yes No Not Sure If yes, is your view favorable or unfavorable? Favorable Neutral Unfavorable Not Sure 2. Do you believe you understand the roles and responsibilities of the Maui MPO? Yes Maybe No 3. Do you believe you understand how transportation projects are planned and implemented on Maui? Yes Maybe No 4. Have you participated in a Maui MPO activity or event in the past? Yes No Not Sure If yes, how have you participated in Maui MPO’s activities? (please select all that apply) Received emails Attended Maui MPO meetings or events Visited a Maui MPO booth (e.g. at Friday Town Parties, the Fair) Participated in surveys Other (please describe) If you selected other above, please describe: Do you think the activity you participated in was effective? Yes No Not Sure Do you think your input was heard during these activities? Yes No Not Sure 5. Have you attended a Maui MPO Policy Board or Technical Advisory Committee meeting? Yes No Not Sure If yes, were you able comment on the item you attended the meeting for? Yes No Did not want to make a public comment If you were not able to make a comment but wanted to, what prevented you from speaking at the meeting? 6. In the past, how have you heard about Maui MPO activities? (please select all that apply) Email Facebook Instagram Other social media Maui News Maui Now Letter/Direct mail Neighborhood/community association Community group/organization Television Radio Public meeting Word of mouth Haven’t heard about Maui MPO activities Other (please describe) If you selected other above, please describe: 7. If you wanted to share your opinion with the Maui MPO about a project or idea, what ways would you reach out or participate? (please select all that apply) Activity at a Maui MPO booth at another event Comment form on the website Participate in a focus group Write a letter Comment or send a message using social media Send an Email Participate in an online survey Go to an in-person or virtual public meeting Other (please describe) If you selected other above, please describe: 8. In the future, do you think you are more likely to attend Maui MPO meetings and events if they are hosted online or are you more likely to attend in person? Online In person A mix of both online and in person Not likely to attend Maui MPO meetings and events Other (please describe) If you selected other above, please describe: 9. Do you, or someone you know, experience any barriers to participation in Maui MPO’s activities? Some common barriers to participation include transportation to MPO meetings, no access to childcare, and lack of internet access for virtual meetings. Yes No Not Sure Please describe any barriers you or someone you know have experienced when trying to access Maui MPO’s activities. If you, or someone you know, has experienced barriers, how do you think Maui MPO can help overcome those barriers? 10. In what ways do you think the Maui MPO should consider expanding its outreach efforts to better serve our Maui community? 11. Do you have any other comments that would help us with updating the Public Participation Plan? Leave this field blank Recaptcha response Submit