The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) provides input and technical advice to the Maui MPO Policy Board and Executive Director. All TAC meetings are open to the public and agendas are posted a minimum of 6 days in advance. The TAC is governed by a set of bylaws that have been approved by the Policy Board and can be accessed here

TAC Meetings

Technically Advisory Committee meetings are held virtually using Microsoft Teams. 

For details on joining the meeting, please refer to the meeting agenda.


2025 TAC Members
Official Testimony Locations
  • Members of the public may view the meeting and provide testimony in person at the location specified in each agenda.
  • Individuals may provide oral testimony by phone or video conference. To join by video conference, use the link provided in each agenda. To join the meeting by phone, call the number listed on the agenda and and input the meeting code as required. 
  • Written testimony may be submitted by email to, or to the Maui MPO, 200 South High Street, Wailuku, Hawaii, 96793. While the Technical Advisory Committee requests that written testimony be submitted by noon one business day prior to the meeting, to allow time for it to be transmitted to and reviewed by TAC members, testimony submitted after such date and time must still be accepted.
  • Contact Maui MPO's Executive Director at (808) 270-8216 prior to the meeting if you have any questions.
Testimony Procedures
  • Each testifier shall be allowed to speak for up to three minutes. No further oral testimony by the testifier shall be permitted. An individual's request to testify may be deemed withdrawn if the individual does not answer when called to testify.
  • Testifiers will be asked to disconnect from the video conference meeting once their testimony has concluded. Individuals may be disconnected from the meeting for breaking decorum. If the connection between any testifier and the video conference is lost, the meeting will still continue.
  • Testifiers will be called by the Chair to offer their testimony and are asked to mute their audio and video when they are not testifying. Testifiers via video are asked to sign-up using the Chat function providing your name and the item you are testifying on. 
  • Testifiers via phone will be called by the Chair after video testimony is finished.  Committee members shall not be contacted by the Chat function.
  • "Board Packets", as defined in Section 92-7.5 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes, are available electronically as soon as practicable on this web page.
  • If the online videoconferencing connectivity affecting quorum is lost, the meeting will be in recess. It will not be considered a loss of quorum unless connectivity cannot be restored within 30 minutes. If the online videoconferencing connection is prematurely terminated, for whatever reason, please log back into the same link, if connectivity affecting quorum cannot be restored within 30 minutes, the meeting will automatically reconvene the following Friday at 9:00 a.m., using the same virtual connections, unless the Committee announces a different date and time.
  • Anyone requesting an auxiliary aid or service or an accommodation due to a disability or limited English proficiency should contact the Maui MPO at least three working days prior to the meeting date at (808) 270-8216 or
TAC Archive