Maui MPO’s Public Participation Plan
The PPP guides a collaborative planning process for all stakeholders of Maui’s surface transportation system. This includes all road users, special interest groups, government agencies and anyone who has an interest in Maui’s future in transportation. The goal of the PPP is to provide an overview of the variety of public involvement opportunities and procedures for all of the Maui MPO core plans and to foster an informed, transparent, fair and inclusive decision-making process.
The most current PPP was approved by the Maui MPO Policy Board on Sept. 6, 2023.
The Maui MPO Public Participation Plan describes the strategies that will be used to encourage participation by interested parties and the general public in the development of the MPO’s Maui Multimodal Transportation Plan, Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) and various planning studies. The goal of the Maui MPO Public Participation Plan is to ensure the involvement of citizen interest groups, freight industry, commerce associations, major economic developments, educational institutions, public transit providers, and other interested persons or groups, including the public at large.
Previous Plans